We need your help!
Donors Hall of Fame


The Board of Directors for today's Nebraska Baseball Hall of Fame was formed in 2010 and consisted of Richard Mueller, Bob Lohrberg, Larry Bornschlegl, Jerry Bender, Bob Steinkamp, and Ron Douglass. Bob Prokop had just written a letter turning the organization over to us stating 'I'm sure you will do a good job.'

The Inductions had been hit or miss for several years and Lohrberg had been doing a lot of the heavy lifting to keep it going. Bob agreed to stay with us until we got organized, which certainly was valuable, but he was ready to step down. Ready to step up was Richard Mueller, the first duly elected President of the Nebraska Baseball Hall of Fame. The first thing he said was, 'If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it right!'

'Amen,' said Larry.

Richie was instrumental in helping outline a plan to find a permanent location, determine how to fund it, and how to distribute responsibilities among the Board based on individual experiences and skills. Things took off. Grants were obtained, two successful banquets occurred, and the people reacted with generous donations. Within two years we had a wonderful museum at a cost of nearly $60K.

The 2014 debilitating accident left Richie housebound for the rest of his life, but we conducted meetings in Geneva from time to time until his death in 2018, taking advantage of his sage advice.